Anna E. Young graduated from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2018. Co-Owner and Director of KINK Contemporary an exhibition space in Cleveland, Ohio. She currently lives in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and focuses her practice around the ideas of anxiety, aging, and mortality. Young works full-time at the Massillon Museum as the administrative assistant and social media manager and teaches Foundations 2D Design at the University of Akron, Myers School of Art.





Anna E. Young



2018- MFA Photography Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI

2014- BFA Photography, Minors in Printmaking, Art History, Professional Photography, The University Of Akron, Myers School Of Art, Akron, OH


Solo Exhibitions:

2014- Life In Progress, Palladian Palette, Akron, OH


Group Exhibitions:

2024- SH’BANG Fest, Hildebrant Artist Collective, Cleveland, OH
Member’s Show, Akron Soul Train, Akron, OH

2023- BAZAARBEQUE Vol. 10, KINK Contemporary, Cleveland, OH

2020- Boschian: Beautifully Bizarre, Summit Artspace, Akron, OH

2019- Subception, KINK Contemporary, Cleveland, OH

2018- High Arts Festival, Summit Artspace, Akron, OH

Bazaarbeque Vol. 9, Forum Artspace, Cleveland, OH

          Graduate Degree Exhibition, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI

         Touch Me, Hold Me, Squeeze Me, Hangar Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI

2017- I Don’t Know What You Did Last Summer, Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI

2015- Self and Others, Summit ArtSpace, Akron, OH

2014- Bazaarbeque, Forum Artspace, Cleveland, OH 

         Under Pressure, Honors Complex, Akron, OH; Curator: Hui Chu Ying

2013- Zygote Press 4U, Zygote Press, Cleveland, OH

2012- Folk Photography Association Collaboration, Projects Gallery, Myers School of Art, Akron, OH


Juried Shows:

2024- FRESH, Summit Artspace, Akron, OH

2023- FRESH, Summit Artspace, Akron OH

2014- Juried Student Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, OH

2013- The Myers School of Art Scholarship Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, Ohio

          Juried Student Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, OH

2012- Juried Student Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, OH



2014- Juried Student Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, OH, Honorable Mention

2013- The Myers School of Art Scholarship Show, Emily Davis Gallery, Akron, OH, Scholarship Award


Juried show invitations:

2023: FAVA's National Biennial Photography Show, FAVA Gallery, Oberlin, OH
Groundhog Show, Portage Lakes, OH


2018- Michael H. Hodges, "Cranbrook Art Academy hosts Sunday open house,” The         Detroit News, April 27, 2018,        arts/2018/04/27/cranbrook-graduate-degree-exhibition-openstudios-institute-        science-house-ash-arder-conrad-egyir-anna-young-michael-hodges/34329963/